Enrollment & Student Registration
Dear Families,
We are excited to welcome you to our school district! To ensure that your child receives a schedule and/or teacher assignment, access to transportation (if needed), and a device to interact with our online resources by the 1st day of school, all registration paperwork must be submitted by 4 pm on Tuesday, August 26th. For any student registration submitted after this deadline, a school start date will be communicated to you as soon as possible.
With Hatter Pride,
District Registration
Required Information to complete a student registration
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026 will open via our online link on February 3, 2025.
View 2025-2026 Registration Portal
To complete the registration forms for the 2024-2025.
We will be collecting the required documentation below via Email at Enrollment & Student Registration
Lease Agreement, Settlement Papers or Deed to Property;
(3) bills that come to the home with your name and address imprinted;
Birth Certificate of Student. Children who will be five years old, on or before the first day of school (September 2, 2025), are eligible to register for Kindergarten.
Immunization Records of Student from prior school or recent physicians report;
Report card and/or Transcript (UNOFFICIAL).
IEP if student is designated as a special education/gifted student in their current school please review the additional documents requested for Special Services.
If the parent is not the owner or lessee of the residence a Multiple Occupancy Form must be completed and notarized.
Custody Arrangement (for divorced, separated or single parents).
If your family is currently experiencing homelessness, please click here for additional information.
Para completar el formulario en español haga clic aqui
If you require translation services to complete this form please contact our registration office at 215-420-5031
Si necesita servicios de traducción para completar este formulario, comuníquese con nuestra oficina de registro al 215-420-5031.
Physical & Dental Forms
For physical and dental forms for new students click here.
Attendance Boundaries
Registration Contact Information
Janel Leitner
Student Registration
229 Meetinghouse Road
Horsham, PA
Email: registration@hatboro-horsham.org
Elementary Parents Please Note
At the time of your family’s enrollment in the district, classroom space at your child’s home elementary school may be at full capacity in their grade level. If that is the case, your child will be assigned to the nearest elementary school with space available. Transportation will be provided and cumulative and medical records will be forwarded to that elementary school. When space is not available at the attendance boundary elementary school, parents may request the student be placed on the wait list for that school. Parents will be notified once space becomes available.
Compulsory Age Laws
Definition of “Compulsory School Age”
Effective September 26, 2019, all children from the age of six (6) through the age of eighteen (18) must comply with compulsory school attendance requirements. To meet these requirements, parents must ensure that their child between the ages of 6 and 18 is attending or participating in one of the following: a public elementary, middle, or high school; a public charter or cyber-charter school; a private licensed academic or private religious school; home tutoring by a certified teacher; or an approved program of home schooling. Children may be excused from compulsory attendance for documented medical or other compelling reasons as outlined in District attendance policy and procedures.